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Our Story

Revolution from below: a crypto odessey from three musketeers. 

An epic journey of a philosopher, a researcher, and a financier through the depths of Crypto, to the art of crafting a portfolio, to the owners of a fast-growing channel. 

Prepare yourself for the captivating story of three modern musketeers whose epic journey into the dynamic realm of crypto and blockchain unfolded in the seismic year of 2020 — a year etched into the financial history of our planet. Picture this: riding the thrilling highs of the bull market, only to plummet into the abyss of the bear market, navigating the treacherous waters of the DeFi world. Our odyssey is a rollercoaster, an unwavering pursuit of gains, the bitter taste of losses, and a metamorphosis that shifted us from the 95% who bought at the peak and panic sold at the bottom, to the 5% who do the opposite. A lot has changed since 2020, we have changed, but one thing remained constant–blockchain is a revolution that will stay, so you either join the saga or watch it pass.

For those with average attention, hovering at a mere 15 seconds, the temptation to abandon this page is there. But dear reader, this isn’t just our story; it stands as a testament to a revolution we witnessed firsthand. It’s a chronicle that began with naive enthusiasm, evolved into a steep learning curve — a narrative that not only withstood the crucible but delved into the intricate depths of DeFi, a realm not meant for the faint-hearted. We, after all, were part of the mere 0.005% of the world’s population that foresaw the change already back as 2020.

So, perhaps it’s worth immersing yourself in this humble article. You may have heard the whispers of a parabolic bull run being upon us, with murmurs that this might be the last of its kind. And who knows, perhaps by the end, you’ll be enticed to join our ranks in this remarkable journey that has just begun.

You can continue reading about our journey on medium, through the following link: 
